Jun 2012
Tip: Inviting All Your Neighbors...
Jun/26/2012 03:19 PM Filed in: Tips

An email invitation is one of the most effective ways for you to promote your website. A premium website makes it easy to use your own email lists to invite people to become members.
(Premium Websites Only)
Using this feature is simple:
- Click Admin Tools in the left column
- Go to Membership Levels
- Click "Send invite emails here"
- Enter your email list and write a note describing the benefits of becoming a site member.
- If privacy is a concern in your neighborhood, let people know that their personal information is shared only with site administrators.
- Proofread your message and review the list of email addresses
- Each person on your list will receive a personalized link, taking them directly to a welcome page, and then instantly making them a member.
Extra Tip! Pair the Invite Members feature with the Mailing List feature. If you create a Mailing List for all site members (use the "Auto-Invite" option), your neighbors will be given the option to subscribe to that list, as they become a member. This is a great way to get everyone in your neighborhood both site membership and signed up for your email blasts!
If your website isn't already premium, learn more about all of the great benefits or signup now!
Featured Community: Beacon Hill, Wilmington, DE
Jun/15/2012 03:07 PM Filed in: Featured

Beacon Hill Condominium Association is a well-kept 72-unit condominium community in North Wilmington, Delaware.
The residents are friendly and take pride in their homes and their association is highly-engaged and remains open to the needs and concerns of the community.
Beacon Hill joined Neighborhood Link in 2009 and has done an excellent job utilizing all of the tools that Neighborhood Link provides.
Learn more and visit: Beacon Hill Condominium Association
Want to nominate your community to be the Featured Community? Send us a short email telling us why and a link to your site. Email Us
Managing Your Aging Parents' Finances

Are your elderly parents having trouble staying organized? Do they forget common things like important dates, or ask for the same information over and over?
Are there reminder notes or memory aides scattered around their home? If so, your parents could be struggling with memory loss.
Among the many difficulties you and your parents will have to face in such a situation is managing their finances...
Read More About: Managing Your Aging Parents' Finances...