Feb 2011
Featured Community: Lake Osborne Hts, Lake Worth, FL
Feb/24/2011 03:00 PM Filed in: Featured

The Residents of Lake Osborne Heights (ROLOH) community consists of attractive homes in a quiet, low-traffic single family homes area along the shores of Lake Osborne, in Lake Worth, FL.
ROLOH "exists to maintain and improve the quality of life in their neighborhood through dissemination of information, providing meetings as forums for discussion, and representing the members’ viewpoints to the City".
ROLOH has done a great job with their website by incorporating lots of pictures and even embedding a video into their home page! Learn more and visit Residents of Lake Osborne Heights.
Want to nominate your community to be the Featured Community? Send us a short email telling us why and a link to your site. Email Us
Tip: Add Photos to your Contact Information
Feb/17/2011 02:51 PM Filed in: Tips

To add a photo when editing the "Our contact information..." section, click the photo icon (The picture of the sailboat) and choose any photo from your computer.
Once an image is uploaded you can access formatting features by right-clicking on the image and choosing "Insert/edit image". You can easily
- Change the dimensions of the photo to make it the perfect size
- Add a border to the photo
- Add space around the photo horizontally and/or vertically
- Change the alignment of the photo on the page
Upload as many photos as you like to the contact page!
Examples of real organizations using photos with their contacts:
Summit Place-Naples, FL
Camelot-Garland, TX
Catch Up On Retirement Savings...
Feb/10/2011 02:33 PM Filed in: Resource GuideRetirement

Investments are down. Home equity has shrunk. Paychecks have diminished—if you’re lucky enough to still have one.
You may have experienced any or all of these situations over the past few years. But there are ways to get your retirement savings back on track—no matter what your age.
With April 15th fast approaching, now is the time to take advantage of some of the tips mentioned in this article.
Read More About: How To Catch Up On Your Retirement Savings...
New Premium Feature: Quick Invite
Feb/07/2011 02:23 PM Filed in: NL Features

Do you already have email addresses for your members? Use our new "Quick Invite" feature to send them a personalized invitation.
Each person will receive a direct link to your Welcome page... they'll be prompted to create their username... that's it! When they click "Join" they'll be added to your Members list immediately. No need for further email confirmation or for you to approve them!
Using this feature is simple. Go to Membership Levels in the Admin Tools area and click the "Send invite emails here" link. Enter your neighbors' email addresses and write a message describing the benefits of becoming a site member.
Tip: Pair the Quick Invite with the Mailing List feature. Create a Mailing List for all site members (use the "Auto-Invite" option) before using Quick Invite and your neighbors will have the option to subscribe to the list as they become a member.
This is a great way to get everyone in your neighborhood or HOA both site membership and signed up for your email blasts!