The Question: Which Pickerington city council member is a retiree homeowner with little earned income and stands to benefit the most from decreased property tax and increased earned income tax?
The Question: Which Pickerington city council member is a retiree homeowner with little earned income and stands to benefit the most from decreased property tax and increased earned income tax?
Thanks Jeff
You have again enlightened us and saved us from another srourge on the city. You are a man among men. |
Nope. Sorry.
Do you really believe Fix could have thought up that posting? Puh-lease! Believe it or not, there are other people in the community who are on to Hackworth. I notice you didn't refute the charge, though. |
Give me a break
Ted is laying his neck out like this so he can save a few bucks in taxes? I know Ted and can assure you that his intentions are pure, and good for ALL not just his wallet. GO TED GO!!!! |